3D SHOOT : Sunday 25th August 2024

Open shoot with 36 x 3D Targets

Sunday morning arrived after a couple of wet days, with a fine day and after final preparations and the arrival of seventy seven archers from around the South West we managed a 10:00AM start. The fine weather stayed with the exception of a blustery period in the afternoon but as major part of the shoots was in the woods it did not cause any problems for the competitors. Feedback from our visitors was all positive, they congratulated the club on a well organised shoot which they enjoyed, especially the cheese cake at the food tent which disappeared quickly.

Thank you to all our members who helped to prepare the course and on the day of the shoot, a great job done by all.

We had 21 first place medals who all received an engraved coaster, a tradition we hope to continue so they can all collect a set.


Download the archers scores